Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Secret Life of the American Teenager

Recently, I have begun to watch the series "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," and yes I know I am late getting started on this show since it premiered back in 2008. I am not sure why, but I never really seemed interested in watching the show until about two weeks ago. So far I am hooked. I am on the second of five seasons. The show takes you through the journey of a 15 year old girl who finds herself pregnant, and how she handles it. It is no secret that teenage pregnancy is an epidemic in our country, and likely all over the world. The show really highlights on the hardships that teen pregnancy  creates and how it effects girls on a financial and social level. Perhaps this show would help to decrease teen pregnancy rates by showing the true side of it. All in all, I think the show is great, between the message, acting, and plot.

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