Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Compare and Contrast: Recap

For my compare and contrast paper, I decided to look at how Fox News and BuzzFeed news may have covered the recent presidential elections similarly or differently. At first glance, it appears that Fox and BuzzFeed are extremely different. One is aimed to an older audience, the other to a younger. Even the tone of how they conveyed the story was different. Fox was very sincere and serious, while BuzzFeed tried to keep a lighter tone. However, they did have some similarities. Both stations were very concerned with trying to deliver accurate news in a timely manner. Both stations also seemed to be very surprised with the results of the election. All in all, it was a very eye opening project. I did not feel that one news resource was better or worse than the other, it just depends on what the viewer is trying to get out of the program.

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