Thursday, September 15, 2016


My name is Lauren Thompson, I am 19 years old, and this semester at FCC begins my third year of college. Before FCC, I studied at WVU as part of the Biometric Systems Engineering program. Shortly after being admitted to the program, I realized that it was not for me, so I transferred back to FCC to complete my associates degree in General Studies. I know that now a days, it is very difficult to even compete for a job without at least a bachelors degree; however, I have not decided on whether or not I will be continuing my education after I am finished at FCC. I believe there is much more to experience in life than just completing four years of college and then seeking a job that most dread going to every Monday-Friday. I am hopeful that I will be able to travel, see the world, and fill my life with great experiences that I could have never obtained with a 9-5 job. In addition to being a full time student, I also work two different jobs. By the age of 18 I was a licensed real estate agent and have been working for the Remax Results company in Frederick ever since. Despite the fact that I am very fortunate to be where I am, and to be so successful at such a young age, I do not plan to be at this job for much longer. I have never been much of the "office type", so going to a job where I have to sit behind a desk for hours is not ideally where I would like to be. I also work as a waitress at the Chili's by Westview, so if you're ever in the mood for some killer food stop by and see me!

Check out some blogs I enjoyed:

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