Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gone Girl

Gone Girl--the movie that sank the understanding of the term "plot twist" into my brain. This movie contains a fascinating story that follows a man through his journey of accusations placed against him after his wife went missing, presumably murdered. Of course accusations are just accusations, right? Unless maybe he did do it. Or maybe he was set up, but by who? Not only is the story line fantastic, one of the best of 2015, but the movie was shot brilliantly. Riddle me one person who has watched this movie that says they could predict what happens next. Go ahead, I'll wait. The entire movie kept me pulled in waiting to see what was going to happen next, not a single minute I was not on edge. Simply phenomenal.

Media Journal

For a full week, I kept track of every piece of media I used. And trust me, when I use the word every, I really do mean EVERY piece of media; whether it be books, radio, TV, etc. This was without a doubt, one of the most tedious school projects I have ever had to do. That being said, it was also probably one of the most eye opening and useful projects. In most projects that college students are forced to do, they are usually boring and completely unrelated to them or the course. These types of projects do not help the students in any way, if anything, it just wastes their time that they could be using to do other homework. Our Journal Project was different, it helped me to understand how much media I use. I truly did not think that I would be using 62 hours of media each week, especially with the busy schedule I keep. Most of this time was spent using textbooks for school or various websites for work. That part I expected. What I did not expect, was to learn how much time I spend on useless apps such as Twitter and Instagram. It really is quite eye opening, perhaps this will encourage me to change the way I use media.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


My name is Lauren Thompson, I am 19 years old, and this semester at FCC begins my third year of college. Before FCC, I studied at WVU as part of the Biometric Systems Engineering program. Shortly after being admitted to the program, I realized that it was not for me, so I transferred back to FCC to complete my associates degree in General Studies. I know that now a days, it is very difficult to even compete for a job without at least a bachelors degree; however, I have not decided on whether or not I will be continuing my education after I am finished at FCC. I believe there is much more to experience in life than just completing four years of college and then seeking a job that most dread going to every Monday-Friday. I am hopeful that I will be able to travel, see the world, and fill my life with great experiences that I could have never obtained with a 9-5 job. In addition to being a full time student, I also work two different jobs. By the age of 18 I was a licensed real estate agent and have been working for the Remax Results company in Frederick ever since. Despite the fact that I am very fortunate to be where I am, and to be so successful at such a young age, I do not plan to be at this job for much longer. I have never been much of the "office type", so going to a job where I have to sit behind a desk for hours is not ideally where I would like to be. I also work as a waitress at the Chili's by Westview, so if you're ever in the mood for some killer food stop by and see me!

Check out some blogs I enjoyed: